My Niece Volunteers in Uganda

Truly giving of yourself takes many forms.  I would like to highlight my niece Joy.  She has been active in many issues over the years and has contributed much to organizations supporting those with bipolar disorder to abused woman.  She has taken the next step and is currently volunteering with Rock Harbor in Uganda.  We are very proud of her. You can learn in detail the great work this group did for the people of Uganda through their blog  I have pasted some excerpts below.

Joy spoke at a local church service and to quote from the group’s blog:  “Joy was amazing.  Genuine and honest. She spoke the truth about pain in her life, but how her faith and trust in Christ brought her through it.  After she spoke the Congolese women prayed for Joy and thanked God for her testimony.”

To give the flavor of the work they did, here is another quote from the group’s blog:  “Our time in the Alero Cuku village on Wednesday was amazing. We got to the village and set up a medical clinic, pharmacy and a wound care clinic. When we arrived there were already several hundred people in line. We set up five stations for doctors to examine patients.

Wound care was intense. Dr. Rafael had to inject lidocaine in many of the patients and cut out dead and infected flesh. In northern Uganda people can lose limbs when common cuts become infected. Our team were rock stars in holding kids and praying for them as they were being treated and squirming in pain from the treatments. We also assisted the doctor by handing gauze, tape, hydrogen peroxide, etc. Joy picked up on the system quickly and treated several patients, scrubbing off dead skin and cleaning the wounds. The whole team took turns there.”

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